Gratis Ebook herunterladen Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction)

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Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction)

Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction)

Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction)

Gratis Ebook herunterladen Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction)

Wir erscheinen wieder ein empfohlene qualifiziertes Buch zu liefern. Carlson's Guide To Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction) ist eine, die Top-Qualität Veröffentlichung zu überprüfen hat. Wenn eine Bewertung beginnen, müssen Sie zunächst die Abdeckung und Titel des Buches sehen. Abdeckung wird sicherlich viel hat die Leser zu gewinnen, das Buch zu bekommen. Und diese Veröffentlichung hat diesen Aspekt. Dieses Buch ist nicht zuletzt die bewundernde Veröffentlichung beraten. Auch das Thema ist ähnlich mit anderen. Der Plan dieser Veröffentlichung ist besonders ansprechend.

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Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction)


Introduces the mechanics of painting by analyzing the guiding principles and techniques.


Written by a famous American painter and teacher, whose landscapes are found in many of the world's most noted museums, this book is known as one of the art student's most helpful guides. It provides a wealth of advice on the choice of subject; it tells what to look for and aim for, and explains the mysteries of color, atmospheric conditions, and other phenomena to be found in nature. Through his profound understanding of the physical nature of landscapes and his highly developed artistic sense, John Carlson is able to explain both the whys and the hows of the various aspects of landscape painting. Among the subjects covered are angles and consequent values (an insightful concept necessary for strong overall unity of design), aerial and linear perspective, the painting of trees, the emotional properties of line and mass in composition, light, unity of tone, choice of subject, and memory work. In the beginning chapters, the author tells how to make the best of canvas, palette, colors, brushes, and other materials and gives valuable advice about texture, glazing, varnishing, bleaching, retouching, and framing. Thirty-four reproductions of Mr. Carlson's own work and 58 of his explanatory diagrams are shown on pages adjoining the text. As Howard Simon says in the introduction: "Crammed into its pages are the thoughts and experiences of a lifetime of painting and teaching. Undoubtedly it is a good book for the beginner, but the old hand at art will appreciate its honesty and broadness of viewpoint. It confines itself to the mechanics of landscape painting but, philosophically, it roams far and wide. . . . This is a book to keep, to read at leisure, and to look into for the solution of problems as they arise, when the need for an experienced hand is felt." Unabridged republication of the revised (1958) edition.


Taschenbuch: 144 Seiten

Verlag: Dover Publications Inc.; Auflage: New ed (1. Juni 1973)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0486229270

ISBN-13: 978-0486229270

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

21,6 x 1,3 x 27,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

3 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 126.728 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Carlson's guide ist zwar ein wirklich altes Buch (1958 überarbeitet), aber nie habe ich so viel grundlegende Information über Malerei auf einmal gelesen, denn es geht nicht nur um Landschaftsmalerei, angefangen von Licht, Farbe, Perspektiven, Komposition und vieles mehr.Wer des Englischen mächtig ist, sollte sich dieses wunderbare Buch kaufen.

John Carlson is unique among artists in his ability to teach painting as masterfully as he did it himself. This book offers a deeper understanding of the subject than any other I have ever read. All things discussed within its pages seem perfectly logical and understandable and yet entirely new in the way they are presented. Master painter, master teacher, Carlson engages his audience completely and imparts his understanding fully. To read his philosophy of art alone is well worth the price. A must have book for the experienced painter and beginning student alike.

Regardless of your skill level this classic text can help you perfect or refine your own paintings. The clearly written chapters on specific aspects of landscape painting can be used for quick reference when your faced with a problem in painting. A must for beginners!

This is THE classic on landscape painting, especially if you are in the plein air group, working outdoors. Be forewarned though that this was written a good while ago and the language is rather formal, a little hard to get through. I've started reading it a few times and can never seem to get far. It's not particularly philosophical or academic, but just a formal style of writing. The info looks great. If you are new to "plein air painting" this is a great book, but another one that is a bit easier to read is Fill Your Paintings with Light and Color by McPherson. The language is more contemporary and it is a bit more 'hands on'. I started with the McPherson book and later got Carlson's.

This book has what I consider dated information and terminology. The author, was a Swedish-American, 1875-1947. Examples of his work suffer from being printed on poor quality paper stock and more importantly, in Black & White. Hello! This Dover edition was first published in 1973 and is an unaltered republication of the revised edition of 1958.I would suggest "Essential Concepts of Landscape Painting" by Mitchell Albala as an excellent book with great examples of Landscape painting concepts and it is shown in color. Visit page views 21 and 22 being printed in Black & White.

This is by far the best art “how to” I have ever read. The reality is this book should be a textbook in all art schools. I learned more in the first read than I would have thought possible after art school. I filled in some gaps in my education on the second read. Little things, such as varnish your paintings after they dry for a month, no bloom no oxidation of the surface. Not 6-12 months or more as I was told in school. That is just one item in a long list. Yes it would have been better if they would not have cut the book down. Yes it would have been better with color pictures. All of that said it was a very informative read and a must have for any artists that takes their painting seriously.

Wish I'd had this when I started painting plein air. Still found it very useful. Full of practical, basic tips for landscape painting, including how to paint trees and clouds, atmospheric perspective tips, materials and more. I love that Carlson not only explains WHAT to do, but also WHY, grounded in science. Like how the real-life arc of the sky influences how you paint it. Etc. I find many of these tips apply to portrait painting as well. Only disappointment is that Carlson's wonderful paintings are printed in black-and-white here. The ratio of text to photos in this book is high (way more text than photos), so if you don't like to think cerebrally about painting, this might not be for you. I, personally, found the book revelatory and also would recommend you google Carlson's paintings to see them in color. His trees are the best I've ever seen, crackling with drama and life.

Must have for anyone who paints landscapes. Seriously. If I could only buy one book it would be this one, although there are many other great ones out there this hands down gives you what you need to know. Many of today's authors quoate John Carlson in their books. About the other people who have criticized it because there aren't colorful graphics- I have to say that's lame. Use your imagination, read the information. It's all there. Ok so it's not packaged like people would print today with a full color graphic on each page. It was written in 1958 back when knowledge was learned through words. If your not willing to think and imagine then I suppose this book won't work for you. If you are willing to take the time and read this book it will give you a cornucopia of information.

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Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction) PDF

Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction) PDF

Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction) PDF
Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (Dover Art Instruction) PDF

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