Ebook-Download Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi

Ebook-Download Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi

Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi

Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi

Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi

Ebook-Download Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi

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Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Bruno Lucchesi is perhaps best known for his smaller figures and his genre sculptures, but he also does major, large, commissioned pieces. His sculptures have been added to the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Brooklyn Museuem, the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, among others. He has received awards from the National Academy, which elected him as a member in 1975, the National Arts Club, and the Architectural League, and he was a Guggenheim Fellow in 1962–1963. He is the author of several art books, including Modeling the Figure in Clay and Modeling the Head in Clay. Bruno lives in New York.


Taschenbuch: 160 Seiten

Verlag: Watson-Guptill; Auflage: New ed (1. April 1996)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0823030997

ISBN-13: 978-0823030996

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

21 x 1,3 x 27,7 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

3 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 80.137 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Schnell und gut verpackt bekommen. Inhalt ist genau richtig für leute die schon Modellieren und sich mit Anatomie auskennen, sehr gute Tips drinnen und Fotos zeigen alles genau. Danke

I bought this book (along with several others) while taking a class in sculpture. I found it to be the most informative and inspiring of any source, including my sculpture teacher. Using a series of close-up, detailed photographs, the book walks the student through the steps of creating a clay head. I followed them and made a good (for me) sculpture of a man's head and later a bust of a woman. I went on to make other clay faces, incorporated into mugs and pots. I don't pretend to be a great sculptor but, thanks to this book, I am able to make recognizable sculptures. The excellent directions include how to control surface texture using water and a brush; it is possible to make clay look like skin. If you are struggling to bring clay to life, this book doesn't just tell you how, it shows you how.Randall Black

This is a book that shows you, via numerous photographs, how a clay sculpture is actually made. The book starts with detailed photographs of different types of sculpture that whet your excitement. It then moves to defining the tools and supplies that are going to used in the rest of the book. The greatest part of the book is the detailed step by step photographic illustration of what happens during each part of building the sculpture. It is really exciting to see how the model is transformed between its various stages. I learned more from this one book than 2 adult- evening sculpture classes(that cost $300+)from the local Art college. This book is worth the investment!

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Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi PDF

Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi PDF

Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi PDF
Modeling the Head in Clay: Creative Techniques for the Sculptor (Practical Craft Books), by Bruno Lucchesi PDF

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